
Megan Rapinoe eletta miglior giocatrice FIFA 2019

Vestita in un meraviglioso abito nero, con una scollatura ricca di dettagli ma allo stesso tempo elegante e raffinato, Megan Rapinoe è stata eletta la migliore giocatrice FIFA 2019 durante i The Best FIFA Awards tenutisi a La Scala di Milano nella serata di lunedì 23 settembre.
Potevamo aspettarcelo in effetti: le sue prestazioni, l’ennesimo mondiale terminato con una vittoria per la sua nazionale e con l’MVP personale e il suo impegno nella lotta per la parità salariale e di diritti, sono gli ingredienti che hanno reso la 34enne di Redding non solo una giocatrice formidabile ma un’icona sportiva mondiale.
Famosa per i suoi discorsi “inspirational” durante le cerimonie di premiazione, Megan non si è fatta sfuggire l’occasione di un palco così importante per perorare la sua causa. Ha rinnovato il suo impegno per un calcio femminile, un mondo, migliore e più equo scegliendo, come sempre, il giusto tono e le parole migliori, non importa da quale palco o davanti a quale pubblico.
“She did it again in Milan”

Foto Sport Illustrated

“Some of the stories that have inspired me the most this year: Raheem Sterling and [Kalidou] Koulibaly, their incredible performances on the field but the way they have taken on the disgusting racism that they have to face this year but probably for their whole lives. The young Iranian woman who eventually set herself on fire because she wasn’t able to go to the game, the one out MLS player [Collin] Martin and the countless other female out LGBTQ players who fight so hard every day to a) just play the sport they love but b) to fight the rampant homophobia that we have.

Those are all the stories that inspire me so much, but they also admittedly make me a little bit sad and a little bit disappointed. I feel like if we really want to have meaningful change, what I think is most inspiring would be if everybody other than Raheem Sterling and Koulibaly, if they were as outraged about racism as they were. If everybody was as outraged about homophobia as the LGBTQ players. If everybody was as outraged about equal pay or the lack thereof of the lack of investment in the women’s game other than just women, that would be the most inspiring thing to me. I feel like that’s my ask of everybody,We have such an incredible opportunity being professional football players. We have so much success, financial and otherwise. We have incredible platforms.

I ask everyone here—because I think everyone in this room probably has that crown that they’re bearing—to lend your platform to other people. Lift other people up. Share your success. We have a unique opportunity in football different to any other sport in the world: to use this beautiful game to actually change the world for better. So that’s my charge to everyone. I hope you take that to heart and just do something. Do anything. We have incredible power in this room”

Foto di copertina Michael Regan – FIFA/FIFA via Getty Images

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