Football Americano Femminile

A Season on the Brink

Le parole continuano ad arrivare, come un fiume in piena. Gli argini intorno al tuo cuore infranti, i pensieri scorrono liberi fino alle tue dita. Scrivi e lasci che scorra via quella marea di pensieri neri e diventino parole.
Ti aiutano a sentirti meno sola, sentirti più leggera. Qualcosa di familiare s’avvicina ai miei pensieri, si mescolano con i ricordi.
Cerco le parole giuste ed ecco che quelle di Bob Knight, il leggendario allenatore degli Indiana Hoosier, risuonano sulla mia tastiera.
Sono per te, esattamente come erano per Daryl.

“Because, Daryl, sometimes I think I want you to be a great player more than you want you to be a great player. And that just tears me up inside. Because there is no way you will ever be a great player unless you want it. You have the ability. But I can coach, teach, scream, and yell from now until Doomsday and you won’t be any good unless you want it as bad as I do. Right now, I know you don’t want it as bad as I do. Somehow, I have to convince you to feel that way. I don’t know if this is the right way, but it’s my way. You know it’s worked for other people in the past. Try, Daryl, please try. That’s all I ask. If you try just as hard as you can, I promise you it will be worth it. I know it will. Don’t try for me, Daryl. Try for you.”

A Season on the Brink: A Year with Bob Knight and the Indiana Hoosiers

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